Golden Eagle

Dutch Bros Golden Eagle – Price, Size Options, and Calories Explained

Golden Eagle is a famous drink on the Dutch Bros menu which is made up of covered espresso, half-and-half, and caramel syrup. When I tasted one sip of Golden Eagle drinks, it tasted delicious and caramel. Here all sizes of Eagle are available on Dutch Bros at reasonable prices.

Golden EagleSmall $4.493409
Golden EagleMedium $4.994807
Golden EagleLarge $5.995607

The new prices of Golden Eagle iced drinks are given below in all sizes.

Golden Eagle icedSmall $4.50
Golden Eagle icedMedium $4.90
Golden Eagle icedLarge $5.90

Nutritional Information and Calories

smallCalories336 cal
smallTotal Fat22 grams
smallCholesterol56 milligrams
smallTotal Carbohydrates41 grams
smallSugars29 grams
smallProtein8 grams
MediumCalories486 cal
MediumTotal Fat28 grams
MediumCholesterol96 milligrams
MediumTotal Carbohydrates39 grams
MediumSugars41 grams
MediumProtein8 grams
Large Calories563 cal
LargeTotal Fat33 grams
LargeCholesterol114 milligrams
LargeSodium 277 milligrams
LargeTotal Carbohydrates49 grams
LargeSugars39 grams
LargeProtein12 grams


Golden Eagle is a popular drink on the menu of Dutch Bros. It is not a seasonal drink, you can get it any season and outlet of Dutch Bros. This is a different size and price. The prices of all drinks are given at the start.

Watch Dutch Bros’ website and social media accounts for any discounts or special offers they may be running on this beloved beverage.

Customization Options

Golden Eagle is a famous and delicious drink on the Dutch Bros menu card, you can customize it as you like. For customization, you can pour the amount of ingredients your way such as caramel, syrup, milk, or any type of milk and espresso. You can increase or decrease the amount of calories in your way.

Comparison to Other Dutch Bros Drinks

Here we are comparing caramel and Golden Eagle. Most people like this drink because it is made with ice and is more delicious than other drinks. On the other hand, Caramel is thicker because it is made with caramel syrup and half-and-half espresso. Therefore most people do not like Caramel drinks.

Opt for the Golden Eagle if you prefer a stronger coffee flavor. However, you might choose the Caramelizer if you’re looking for something tastier and richer.


What is Dutch Bros Golden Eagle?

This is a famous drink on the Dutch Bros menu which is made up of covered espresso, half-and-half, and caramel syrup. If you want more flavored topping with chocolate or any type of sweetness you like.

How many calories are in a large Golden Eagle?

Here Dutch Bros offers three types of drinks, small containing 336 calories, medium containing 486 calories, and large containing 563 calories.

Can I customize my Golden Eagle?

Yes, you can customize it as you like. For customization, you can pour the amount of ingredients your way such as caramel, syrup, milk, or any type of milk and espresso. 

How much does a Golden Eagle cost?

Drink prices depend on location, approximate small is $4.49, medium is $4.99, and large is $5.99.

Can I find the Golden Eagle on the Dutch Bros secret menu?

No, the Dutch Bros secret menu does not include the Golden Eagle. That is an everyday menu item.

Are there any promotions or discounts available for the Golden Eagle?

Watch Dutch Bros’ website and social media accounts for any discounts or special offers they may be running on this beloved beverage.

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